Christ the King School Uniform Options
Christ the King Academy uses Fresh Prints of Palm Coast as our uniform vendor.
You can download a uniform flyer here.
Fresh Prints of Palm Coast is able to provide child size and adult size uniforms. To order you simply go to this website, place your order, and then wait for them to let you know the order is ready. Once the order is ready you can pick it up from 8 Market Place Court, Palm Coast, FL.
Fresh Prints is also able to embroider our Lion Logo onto any existing approved color shirts you may have purchased elsewhere. That fee is $10 per shirt. You can take your shirts directly to them at 8 Market Place Court, Palm Coast, FL.
Please note that all uniform shirts must have the lion head logo on them.
All uniform polo shirts must be either Purple, White, or Gold (not yellow, but Gold).
The following links are retailers that have our color shirts available for purchase online. If you see a polo shirt at another retailer that you believe matches our colors please send Mrs. Radikopf an image for confirmation.

Girls Uniform Shirts
Short Sleeve (Purple, Gold, or White - Not Yellow!)
Target Purple (currently not available)
French Toast Brand Website (Purple Not Available; Adult Sizes Available Here)
Long Sleeve
Kohl's (Gold Not Available; Please do not purchase Maize)
Target (White Not Available)
French Toast Brand Website Adult Sizes Available Here
Boys Uniform Shirts
Short Sleeve
Target (Purple Not Available)
French Toast Brand Website Adult Sizes Available Here
Long Sleeve
Target (Long Sleeve Not Available)
French Toast Brand Website Adult Sizes Available Here
PE Uniform
All 4th - 8th grade students will need a PE uniform which they will be able to wear the entire day on the days they are scheduled for PE (it will be two days per week).
These PE Uniforms can be purchased with Fresh Prints of Palm Coast at this website.
Shorts, Pants, & Jumpers
Boys can wear shorts or pants. They must be khaki or navy in color. No gym shorts are allowed (except for PE days for those in 4th to 8th grades). If they have belt loops they must wear a belt.
Girls can wear shorts, pants, skirts, or sleeveless jumpers. The shorts and jumpers must be khaki or navy in color. The approved uniform shirts must be worn under the jumpers (please no 'dress' jumpers, it must be the sleeveless jumpers). It is requested that when wearing the skirts or jumpers the girls also wear shorts underneath. There is no specific color for these 'under shorts' so long as they are not not seen. Leggings, however, must be navy, black, or white in color. If their shorts, pants, or skirts have belt loops they must wear a belt.
On Fridays all students may wear denim shorts or jeans with either their approved uniform shirt or a CTK T-Shirt which can be purchased from Fresh Prints of Palm Coast. Only the approved uniform shirts or approved CTK T-Shirts may be worn with jeans on Fridays.